In Gnosis Volume 1, Boris Mouravieff writes in chapter 18, part 10, about the importance of keeping the United Nations powerfull and active.


The evolution of the Tritocosmos, meaning of organic life, is in principle parallel to that of the Microcosmos, in other words, that of the earthly man. The possible stages of the evolution of man have already been analysed. It would be convenient now to examine the way in which humanity as a whole evolves, since it constitutes the essential element of organic life and that the planet's very fate depends today on the attitude of humanity in face of the problems which confront it. We have seen that the fate of humanity itself depends on the formation of a new elite, which; would be capable of solving the problems of our epoch. In whichever way we envisage things, we are always led, in the final analysis to consider the problem of the new man.

We have seen that the esoteric evolution of man starts by the formation of a magnetic centre within himself, which is a new centre of consciousness: it is sometimes called the fourth centre. The symbolic reference to magnetism comes from the fact that, when it attains a certain degree of development, this centre magnetises the 987 little “I’s” who are generally dispersed and they are led to gravitate in its orbit, and to follow the orientation which he himself holds from his resonance to the ‹‹B›› influences. The magnetic centre can develop normally: the stages of this development have already been described in Chapter VI. But it can also, in exceptional cases, be reabsorbed; even in these cases, it generally tends to reconstitute itself, as we shall soon see. The re-absorption has always got the same causes. It comes from a duality of tendencies in the individual at the time of the constitution of this centre. Egoistic ‹‹ A ›› influences have already come to soil the new‑born magnetic centre. This results in internal conflicts for the man and in sufferings which cannot be appeased except by the re-absorption of the centre. The latter when reconstituting itself takes account of the experience it has acquired. But in such cases the rebirth of the centre is preceded by a new moral bankruptcy which recurs, and recurs, if it is necessary, until the time when the ‹‹B›› influences appear as the only possible refuge, and assume the paternity of the centre solely. After having been on the brink of such an abyss, the man drinks at the unique source of salvation only.

A process which is analogous to the formation of the magnetic centre is actually manifesting itself in humanity, if we consider it in its ensemble, as an entity. This formation is accompanied by struggles, suffering, anguish and of all the symptoms of a general bankruptcy. The idea of an international organisation which would govern humanity in accordance with higher principles has come into being a long time ago. However, the first concrete trial in this direction was the Saintly‑Alliance of which the tendencies were far from being purely idealistic, and it disappeared rapidly. Almost a century later, in 1898, Russia invited the principal powers to participate in the conference of La Haye, and it put forward , for the first time, on the international level, the problem of the limitation of armaments: this idea appeared to be, then so revolutionary that the powers invited, finally rejected it. The result of the first conference of La Haye was reduced to a convention concerning the work for women. Henceforth they fixed the date for the second conference which took place in 1908, with no noticeable result. A third conference was foreseen but it did not take place because of the First World War. The horrors of that war imposed upon the responsible men of State, the idea that the presence of a permanent, international organism endowed with certain powers, was considered necessary. It was the League of Nations. This embryo of the international magnetic centre was reabsorbed thereafter by several crises which undermined its authority, which had been weak from its birth. And it collapsed in 1939. It was after the Second World War which has cost humanity some 50 million lives that a new conference was reunited in San Francisco in 1945 and adopted the charter of the United Nations. The United Nations do not constitute still, so to speak, a proper world organisation. The magnetic centre in man does neither take the three centres and their sectors immediately under its control. Any growth demands time. But what is certain is that, in spite of the bitter criticisms of which the United Nations Organisation is the object, nobody wishes its liquidation today. It is not that we are satisfied with the results obtained, not that we believe ‑ except for some enthusiasts ‑ that a brilliant future is reserved for this international political organisation, but because all the world is perfectly aware that if the United Nations disappeared, the international situation would be aggravated all the more and the chances of a third world war would increase. But a new world war would probably end by a general embracement of the planet, kindled by the fire and the flames of atomic explosions.

The United Nations actually represent a centre analogous to that of the embryo of the magnetic centre of a man who pursues his esoteric work. This centre can neither be neglected nor liquidated unless the governors of one camp or the other have become insane. Normally, the international Organisation must emerge reinforced from the crises and dangers which it must undergo. We already foresee the signs which make us feel that, with time, it can become a true worldly organisation susceptible of being transformed later into a super‑state authority, guaranteeing a just and durable state of things on this planet. It will then take into hand the coordination of constructive efforts for the whole of humanity.

This task of the international Organisation will only be fully realised by the ensuing generations, when the new man will assume the reins of power. It would be useless, in the frame of our actual study, to pursue this present examination any further; it is enough to draw the attention of the reader to the striking analogy that can be seen between the formation of the magnetic centre in man and under the form of an international organisation, in the body of the whole of humanity.